I am the founder of Label Ministry.
A concept dedicated to all of the wonderful fashion designers and creatives in Australia and New Zealand who make up our world of fashion.
I am a fashion lover, a fashion blogger, a fashion wearer, a fashion advocator, a fashion addict and Fashion Week devotee.
Perhaps I am ‘The Fashion Ambassador’.
I remember when our Australasian fashion industry enjoyed more glorious days than now. When personalities of individually minded, successful, creative, talented, independent, and innovative designers enjoyed the spotlight of our attention. I wish to see that glory again.
I have worked in the fashion industry for many years as a retailer of international and Australian designer labels. I am a professional stylist. More recently, from the Label Ministry platform, I report on what I see in the fashion industry globally, and the state of the industry in Australia. My articles are honest and designed to promote discussion and much needed change. I have a particular interest in emerging designers, and am dedicated to helping them achieve their dream of becoming successful, profitable, independent, respected, glorified, supported and celebrated in Australia and New Zealand once again. I believe the fashion industry as it stands is collapsing and that our industry model no longer serves the industry.
I want an Australian fashion revolution.
And I am going to start one.
Join us. Our stable is growing. Our dedication has no bounds.
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